Friday, December 18, 2009


  1. oh boy. please tell me this wasn't for my gift.

    merry christmas!

  2. All gifts this year were purchased in the same place

  3. I love Bert's. I first remember going there with my dad to purchase a foot locker before going off to Camp Henry for the first time. A foot locker isn't really necessary for summer camp, but it was a hell of a lot cooler than a duffel bag. There were many subsequent father-son trips to Bert's to purchase camo, fatigues, and other essentials of childhood. Quite the place. I wish I had to go BS for some reason.

  4. Maybe your dad just wanted you to have that foot locker just in case Srgt. Hulka showed for a locker box inspection.

    I think we have a picture of you and Doodles all camoed up somewhere.
